Journal articles and reviews


An article written by one or more authors about a specific theme or idea and based on research that appears in a journal regarded as being very important for communication between researchers.

This includes reviews, defined here as critical appraisals that place what are often multiple research products, such as books, edited volumes or exhibitions, in a broader context while referencing other products.



The assessment of articles in this category is based on the authorised list of journals regarded as being very important for communication between researchers, both within specialisms and in the broader research community. These lists are established by the National Authorisation Panel on proposal of the Domain Panels.

Some of the articles in this category qualify as hybrid because they appear in journals whose readership includes not only peers but also a societal group. Such journals are thus regarded as examples of authorised indicators.


Articles published in journals that do not appear on the lists established by the National Authorisation Panel – for example because they focus on a specific language or regional domain – can be made subject to assessment through the narrative or case studies. To emphasise the importance of these publication channels, the research unit may turn to other instruments for quality and relevance in the humanities, for example the VABB-SHW (Flanders), CRISTiN (Norway), and the EU’s ERIH+.



This indicator can be operationalised for all humanities research domains using the Lists found under ‘Tools’.



Authorised indicator