Professional products


The indicators for professional products concern research output meant to be used primarily by specific societal target groups active in fields of work related to the research field.

They are:



These indicators include products of relevance for education, professional practice, occupational and industrial associations, policy sectors, professional media, amateur researchers, and so on.


In so far as these groups are served by hybrid products, defined as products of demonstrable importance to both peers and professionals and/or the general public, the results are listed under the authorised or reasoned indicators in Cell 1, Research products for peers. They can be reported a second time here in the narrative, where there is an opportunity to explain the interaction and/or interweaving of scientific/scholarly and societal impact and relevance so typical of the humanities.



In general, the use of indicators for products intended for professionals is relatively straightforward, even though the dividing lines between peers and professionals are not always entirely clear.

Below are brief descriptions of the indicators by product, each accompanied by an explanation and examples of their use.