Marks of recognition from peers

Marks of recognition of research quality based on peer assessment, awarded to individual members or research units (or groups within a unit).



Marks of recognition from civil society institutions (grants, awards, membership of prestigious advisory bodies, special chairs and so on) are covered by indicators in Cell 6 of the SEP, Marks of recognition by societal groups.

There are countless ways in which peers bestow marks of recognition, but the precise meaning of those marks is often difficult to ascertain. For example, ‘grants awarded to projects’ can mean almost anything, as long as it is unclear what the role of the various participants is and how much they have contributed. To be able to make certain quality distinctions, some indicators will need to be defined restrictively, while the rules of use imply a hierarchy. After all, an ERC grant says more about quality than a KIEM grant, and membership of an NWO Domain Board or of the Royal Academy says more than an advisory role on an internal research project.